This is an overview of how I created the Traktorino’s PCB. The Traktorino is an Arduino Uno shield which is a MIDI controller designed for controlling the Traktor software (and others). And, next video I’ll show you how I order my PCBs on line!
Like most of my projects, the Traktorino was created with the goal to democratize the access to music equipment to everybody. It’s a controller that’s hackable, affordable and powerful. Lots of people, mostly in third world countries, can’t pay for MIDI Controllers from well known brands. So, this is my attempt to allow people that can’t afford those controllers, to actually have controllers much like them. Besides, building and/or hacking yours is a lot of fun!
The Traktorino is still in development phase, but, as soon as I feel it’s ready, I intend to launch a Kickstarter campaign.
If you want to be updated about the Traktorino, join our list and also get the DIY Midi Controller Workshop for free, where you can learn how to start making your own MIDI controllers. Just subscribe bellow!
And don’t forget to tell me in the comments bellow what you think about this project. And, please, help us sharing it with your friends!
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