The Traktorino is a low-cost DIY MIDI controller for DJs! It’s totally open-source, based in the Arduino platform. In this tutorial you’ll learn how you can build your Traktorino!
For much more about the Traktorino, visit:
You can buy everything you need for the Traktorino at:
How to Assemble the PCB
In this video I will show you how you can assemble the PCB, soldering all its components in the easiest and fastest way.
1x Traktorino PCB
1x Arduino Uno
11x b10k vertical rotary pots
3x b10k slide pots (C3031N-1A2-B10K-GP)
1x Rotary Encoder
2x cd4067 multiplexers
3x 74hc595 bit shifters
13x tactile buttons
24x 220ohm resistors
1x 1k resistor
11x 3mm blue leds
10x 3mm green leds
2x 3mm yellow leds
2x 3mm red leds
How to Program the Arduino
In this video I will show you how you can program the Arduino board.
Arduino IDE:
How to Make the Arduino a MIDI Class Compliant Device
In this video I will show you how you can make any Arduino Uno, or Mega, that has an ATmega16U2 a true USB MIDI class compliant device.
DFU programmer:
Pimp my mocoLUFA:
How to Assemble the Enclosure
In this video I will show you how you can assemble the Traktorino’s enclosure!
What you need:
1 Enclosure
11 round diffusers
2 long diffusers
6 hex spacers 6mm
6 hex spacers 20mm
6 M3x10 screws
6 M3x3 nuts
11 rotary knobs
3 slide knobs
13 button caps
4 Rubber feet
If you want to learn how to build your MIDI controllers, I have a course that will teach you in easy steps how you can build virtually any type of MIDI controller! Just learn more here!