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build your midi controllers

#1 - MIDI, MIDI controllers and Arduinos: Who they are and what can they do for you?
- Buy the Arduino Starter Kit here.
- This is the Arduino website, where you can learn much more about the board that we are going to use in our classes!
- Want to see what you can do when you become a pro? So, watch some MIDI controllers I have built!

#2 - Designing and assembling the circuit: How to use buttons, potentiometers and a breadboard!
- Here you can find the Fritzing software!
- Download the schematic here.

3# - Time to make some noise! How to make your Arduino a MIDI controller!
- Here you can download the Hairless MIDI & here you can download Hairless for the Catalina OS.
- Download the code here.
- On Windows, instead of using the IAC driver, use LoopBE, or LoopMIDI.
- Choose the baud rate 115200 in your serial monitor, otherwise you’ll see only some weird characters!